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Frequently Asked Questions

Often I get asked the same questions ... questions I've answered a hundred times before. In some attempt to save time, mine and yours, this page is a necessity. So, if you have a general question, please read through the following to see if your answer is already available.

For the record, if you email with a question that is covered on this page, you won't receive a response. Sorry, but if this sounds harsh, refer back to the previous paragraph about time wasted.

Site Based
   When was this site created?
   How did you come up with the name Jadedneo?
   Why the big contraversy over your layouts?
   How often do you change your past layouts?
   Why do you change your layout so often?
   What programs do you use to create this site?
   Why do/did you show hatemail on your site?
   Are you accepting staff applications?
   Why haven't you updated in over a week?

Contact Based
   I emailed you and didn't get a reply!
   I emailed you before, but now I can't get an email to send to you.
   Do you reply to all of your emails?
   How many email do you get a day?

Graphics Based
   What resolution do you design the graphics for?
   Are all of the graphics created by you?
   Can I put some of your graphics on my neopets site for other people to use?
   Can I use your graphics on my homepage, or are they just for neopets?
   Do you take requests for graphics or music?
   Can you teach me how to make graphics?
   Can I take the credit off of your layouts?

   I saw someone using your graphics and not crediting you. What should I do?
   Why is my name on the Wall of Shame?
   Will you take my name off of the Wall of Shame?
   Why do you have advertisers on the site now?
   I want to advertise, but I don't have a paypal account. Will you take Neopoints?

Site Based

   When was this site created?
The site as it stands now, with the Jadedneo domain, was purchased in March of 2024. However, what most people don't realize is that the site has been around in one form or another for about 20 years. It was nowhere near this size, of course, and travelled under a few different names, but it existed. It started out as a small graphics and help site under the name Jaded Angel Graphics. From there, it progressed to Jaded Graphics, then to Jaded Neopets and Jadedneo. Then I took a long hiatus, and just purchased my domain back.

In its early days, the site was hosted on free servers, with all of our graphics being hosted on free servers. As more people started utilizing the site, this became a problem with bandwidth, and images always disappearing. We finally decided that if this many people were interested in using the site, then it was worth it to spend the money to keep it stable.

   How did you come up with the name?
As explained above, Jadedneo was originally called Jaded Angel Graphics. The reason for this was my nickname. Since my husband and I were married, he's called me Angel. Sometimes I think he honestly has forgotten my name, lol. When I first started designing, I chose to go by my nickname in order to maintain a sense of anonymity, but the Angel label has never described me very well, so I put Jaded in front of it, making it much more suitable to my nature. Eventually, I dropped the Angel part altogether, and the site became Jaded Neopets. When it was time to buy a domain, it seemed simpler and easier for my users to remember if it were shortened to just Jadedneo.

With time, although I still use the online monicker "Jaded", I chose to not be wedged into one little corner with a predefined name, and Casual Distortion had just the right ring to it. However, for a Neopets fansite, a Neopets related name is required. Ta da! Evolution in progress!

   Why the big contraversy over your layouts?
Your guess is as good as mine. The oversensitive nature of the human mind? Okay, brief explanation....

When the domain went live, I was fixated on Rion Vernons pinuptoons. I designed a few layouts based on them, and did this ever draw a response! I had hatemail like you would not believe pouring in my inbox, and to this day, I do not understand why. There was nothing unsuitable about the images. No private parts were shown, and the most contraversial one showed nothing more than a cartoon girl with a bikini top.
Despite many offensive and flat out insulting emails from people demanding I remove the layout, I chose to keep them. After all, it was my money paying for this site, and my work going into it, making it my choice what to display on it. As long as I didn't cross that line from art to disgusting, I had full rights to display whatever I like.

The end result was that, the more hatemail I received, the more contraversial I would strive to make the next layout. They remained tasteful, and were always pictures I found beautiful based on either the picture or the symbolism behind it. I haven't found one lately that I fell in love with, hence the difference in layout subject matter. However, I'm sure I'll manage to offend someone again with a future layout. You can't please everyone all at the same time, so the only person I aim to please with my layout is me. If you like it too, great. If you don't, well, tough. Lucky for you I change it so often.

Small update actually. My kids have started using my site at school, as do their friends. Wanting them to be able to use it while teachers are looking over their shoulders, I've managed to keep the layouts tasteful enough to be bypassed by even the strictest of teachers. :)

   How often do you change your layout?
Used to be monthly, but I don't see this happening anymore. I'm trying to devote less time to the computer in general, so the same layout will probably be around a little longer.

   Why did you change your layout so often?
The simplest and easiest to explain reason is pure and utter boredom. When I get sick to death of looking at it, I change it. Besides, it gives you something to look forward to. ;)

   What programs do you use to create this site?
Okay, lets see. For the pages themselves, they are all editted and created in plain old notepad. For uploading, the only one I can seem to keep working on my idiotic computer is Core FTP, although it's not a favorite of mine. For graphics, I use Paint Shop Pro 8 and Animation Gallery by Jasc, and Iconcool Editor for the cursors. I think that's pretty much it. Please don't email me suggesting I try this HTML editor or that one, like others have done. I don't want to design that way. I enjoy coding, and creating it myself, not relying on software to do it all for me. I don't consider that designing .... any idiot can use those programs. Designing is when you can create better without the need of software to do it for you.

   Why do/did you show hatemail on your site?
A few reasons. I started posting it to the site because I thought my more open minded users would get a kick out of it, the same way I was. Some of the hatemails I was sent are so ridiculously closedminded that I couldn't help but laugh, and I thought, if it made me laugh, wouldn't it do the same for other people as well?

Also, I wanted the people who sent in the hatemail to know that it didn't bother me, and wouldn't change a thing. I was asked a few times why, if it really didn't bother me, I chose to respond to those people instead of just ignoring it. My answer is very simply this. How does ignoring it fix anything? If I deleted those emails, then these people would think they got to me, that they had an effect. By responding, they knew very quickly that their antics were laughed off.

One last reason I posted the hatemail? I've seen several sites that post testimonials and fanmail, but they all choose to ignore the hatemail. Why? Do you want us to believe that every single person who ever visited your site loved it wholeheartedly? If you're going to post the Pro's, I think its only fair that you post the Con's as well.

   Are you accepting staff applications?
When I am, the staff page will say that a position is open. If it says closed, then I'm not.

   Why haven't you updated in over a week?
Because I have a life that does not revolve around this computer? C'mon.. honestly! I seriously despise it when people assume I have to sit at this system day in and day out. I have children, a job, a husband.. and plenty of other things I enjoy doing. This is a hobby, plain and simple, and I have a lot OF them. A hobby shouldn't take up all your time. I update when I get a chance, but chances are if my son asks me to watch a movie with him, the computer is forgotten in a heartbeat. This site is being created now to allow it to run by itself, without me .. so that if I choose to disappear, or something more important comes up, the site can continue without me in the time being.

Contact Based

   I emailed you and didn't get a reply!
If your email was unclear or vague, or written in chatspeak and hard to read, or was already covered somewhere on this page, then no, you probably won't receive an answer. Anything else, and I try to respond as quickly as I can, but the demands on my time are ridiculous, and it may take a few days.

On a side note, if you have an AOL email address, you probably won't get a reply. My email tends to hold a grudge against AOL, and seldom seems to go through. If at all possible, use another email address when contacting me.

   I emailed you before, but now I can't get an email to send to you.
Then this probably means I blocked your email address. If you sent an attachment that contained a virus, or if your email was a childish attempt at an insult, I saved myself the time and trouble and added you to a block list. Sorry, and no, I won't remove it.

   Do you reply to all of your emails?
I do try to, but it doesn't always happen. You can only answer the same question so many times before the routine starts to drive you insane. Hence, the reason for this page. But if it's a genuine question, I don't like to disappoint people and I do try to email even a quick answer.

   How many email do you get a day?
When the site is at peak, anywhere from 200 to 500. Now you see why I find it hard to answer everyone?

Graphics Based

   What resolution do you design the graphics for?
Some of the older graphics are designed based on the 800x600 or 1024x768 resolution, but anything created in the last year has been designed for 1280x1024. I make sure that all layouts will work in all resolutions, however .. they just might look a little better in a higher resolution as opposed to an older, out of date one.

   Are all of the graphics created by you?
Yes, with the exception of a good portion of the backgrounds, which were freeware images. I collected and hosted those backgrounds, but did not create them.

Note: Apparently this was left vague, so I'd like to specify further ... the images that you are using when you copy a code from this site are made by me ... as in, the put together layouts. There are plenty of images used IN those layouts that I can take no credit for, short of downloading them and using them to make a layout. Most of the figures or graphics I use when putting a layout together are from freeware paint shop pro tube sites. Some are scanned images, some are from freeware wallpaper sites. I take no credit for the initial image, only the finished work.

   Can I put some of your graphics on my neopets site for other people to use?
No, and I will not make any exceptions to this rule, ever. Permission will never be granted to distribute my graphics on any page other than my own, and if I see anyone doing so, I won't hesitate to report them to Neopets, to their website host, and in rare cases, as I've done in the past, to my lawyers.

   Can I use your graphics on my homepage, or are they just for neopets?
Yes, of course. These graphics are intended for you to use on whatever site you like, not just Neopets, providing you keep the credit in place.

   Do you take requests for graphics or music?
Usually the answer would be no, but until I get a decent amount of content available for public use, then yes, I will be taking requests. That does not mean I am obligated to do it just because you ask ... just keep that in mind. However, requests give me some idea of which subjects are in high demand, and the more requests for one type of layout, the more chances there are of it me putting it up here. You can request from any of the layout pages (usually).

   Can you teach me how to make/code graphics?
Let me make this clear, again. I don't have time to teach anyone anything. This is why I usually choose to no longer do requests. The same basis applies here. You're just going to have to learn how to code on your own. A good site for beginners is As for graphics, quite honestly, this isn't something that can be taught. Yes, you can be taught how to work the programs, but as for the eye for making decent looking graphics, that's simple instinct, I can't teach you that.

   Can I take the credit off or your layout?
Under absolutely no circumstances.

Other Based

   I saw someone using your graphics and not crediting you. What should I do?
You can report them to Neopets by clicking here, and you can email me and let me know by clicking here. Remove the NOSPAM in the address before you click send, or it won't go through. By the way, thank you to everyone who has reported in the past.

   Why is my name on the Wall of Shame?
If your name is there, this is because you were breaking my terms and conditions or stealing some of my work, and chose not to fix the problem. I always contact the person first, but if the person has chosen to do nothing about the issue, then their name will be added to the Wall of Shame.

   Will you take my name off of the Wall of Shame?
In most cases, no. If your name is there, it's there for a good reason. The Wall is to let other people know what you've done, in hopes they can avoid having the same issue with you in the future. However, in rare cases when the issue has been resolved, I may take the name off the Wall of Shame. No promises. Chances are though that if you have to ask, the answer is probably no.

   Why do you have advertisers on the site?
Because the site costs money to run. Extra hosting for all of the graphics, plus the incredible amount of bandwidth used dictates that the site will cost more. The more users we get, the more the bandwidth costs. The only way to balance this out was to accept donations or to take on advertisers. Since donations weren't helping in covering the cost, I've had to put advertising on the site. The income generated from these ads allow you to continue using the graphics and this site for free. In fact, if you can spare some time, pay my sponsors a visit and help this site continue to grow!

   I want to advertise, but I don't have a paypal account. Will you take Neopoints?
No. Aside from that being a breach of Neopets terms and conditions, it also does not help keep this site alive in any way, shape or form. If you don't have paypal or a valid credit card, then email me and we can work something out through a money order process. If that isn't an option, then I'm sorry, but I can't accept your advertising.

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The Toybox - Click here
Kid Korner - Click here
Visuality - Click here
My Jaded Reality - Click here